Sunday, November 5, 2017

Gearing up for Christmas Sales

Are you gearing up for Christmas Sales?  If you aren't, now is the time to consider putting your first book in your series out for free on one of the sites that will let you set up a free giveaway like Bookbub, Freebooksy, Instafreebie, etc.
You would need to have more than 2 books in that series for it to get you new readers, and then make sure you have listed your website info, so that readers can contact you, and you can keep in touch with them via email or social media.

 I say gear up for Christmas now, because you need a plan. There are going to be a HUGE number of Iphone's, IPads, Computers, Kindle Fire's, etc. sitting under the Christmas tree on December 25th, and those new swipers are going to be looking for new, FREE books to read and fall in love with!

 Make sure that you are in the pipeline. Finish up anything you have been working on for release around December 15th, 2017, so Amazon, Createspace or Amazon KDP, has enough time to list and make your book available.
November is the month to complete your research and get your ducks in a row, so that you can take advantage of Christmas day sales. This is the time to push yourself, meet those deadlines, and write out what you need for your Social Media Blitz.

Get your pictures in order, get your Tweet blurbs in order, update your website, start pushing teasers out on your Social Media sites, so that everyone is ready and waiting for your big reveal.

 As a reader incentive, offer on Amazon to one fortunate reader one of your books for free as an Amazon Giveaway! It is an excellent way to create more buzz about your book, and hopefully get you a great review.

 Don't let lack of planning for this Christmas season make you cry 'Bah Humbug', get a move on, put your book under the tree of some blessed reader! Be encouraged!

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