Sunday, August 25, 2019

My new Writing Group on Facebook!

Do you have a story to tell, a book you want to write or research you want to do on your family to write your family history and you just don't know where to start? This group is for you! It's a place to encourage one another, get information about how to start to write your personal story, and avoid the pitfalls writers fall into from lack of information.

Whether you want to write for yourself, your family or the world at large, come find out how many different ways there are to achieve your goals.

This group is NOT for professional writers, authors or those who are published already and are experts. It is not to a place to post ads for your works, seek reviews or critique others writing. It's for information sharing and encouragement. There will be links from my Blog, "I Write...Do You Write Too?", which will have information on the writing process, how to put together a professional presence, marketing, self-publishing, etc.

Spread the word, and if you live in the DMV, we will have Seminars and Meet and Greets at local libraries so that we can connect further. Every day of the week we will have different topics and contests so that we can help one another write to the best of our ability! Welcome, let's get started!

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