Thursday, October 12, 2017

Moving Outside Of Yourself

Sometimes, we need to use our voice for something other than ourselves or our writing.  The wildfires out West have torn at our hearts these last few weeks.  To see daily that there is 0% containment on so many of these fires, makes me redouble my prayer, and reach out to my readers to ask them to pray also, for help for the Firefighters who must be exhausted by now and those many families returning to nothing. 

So, here are some things that you can do to help those who may be going through this terrible time.  This blog post is from Alison Hodgsen, a blogger who went through her own house fire, but it can be applied to any family or community going through a loss in the same way. I hope some of her suggestions will help you reach out to family, friends, and strangers when they experience devastating loss from natural disasters.  God bless, be encouraged.

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