Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Instafreebie Promotion!

Hey Readers!

This September I have joined an Authors Group, that will be promoting a bunch of free books of ours, on Instafreebie!  Per their website information, "Instafreebie was created in 2014 with a mission to accelerate great stories and big ideas. As the book world’s leading platform for exclusive access to sneak peeks, advance previews, and special giveaways, we live our mission every day and give readers a chance to See it First."

Instafreebie tells readers, "For our reader community, See It First means having the freedom to explore and discover authors they’ll love–the ones readers were hoping for all along. Exclusive access to great stories and big ideas before anyone else lets readers See It First before they buy, before they review, and before they share with friends and family."

You can go to this link, and see the great list of books that will be available for free downloads, or go to my own landing page:


 or go to my own landing pages:



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