Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Foreign Amazon Author Pages

Felicia Leibenguth, a fellow Author on the BooksGoSocial Author's Group, posted information about the setup of Amazon Author Pages on Foreign Amazon Sites.  I thought it was an excellent idea and deserved mention, as it allows you to reach a new market of readers, where you can post and link all of your books together.

Anything you can do to get the word out about your writing, you need to just take the time and do it.  Don't be intimidated by the fact that they are foreign sites, and may be in different languages, you can sort through them even so, as there is a lot of continuity in how the pages are set up.  Felicia recommended keeping up the Amazon US Page as some are in foreign languages, but when I pulled up the German (de) site, it asked if I wanted to translate the site, which I quickly decided to do.  I would recommend keeping your descriptions and bio brief, as translations can become kind of sketchy when they are exact word translations, as that may not be how a particular phrase is turned in a foreign language.  Don't get 'lost in translation'.  I know that whenever I have visited foreign countries, they have always appreciated I made the effort to learn how to communicate with others in their own language.  You might also use an online Google translator to make sure our words are just right.

Here are some links for Foreign Author Pages:
To get started, visit Amazon.co.uk
Author Central (https://authorcentral.amazon.co.uk/),
Amazon.fr (https://authorcentral.amazon.fr/),
Amazon.de (https://authorcentral.amazon.de/), or
Amazon.co.jp (https://authorcentral.amazon.co.jp/).

If you have any other country pages, please make sure you post in the comments section, so that others may benefit from your knowledge.

Felicia is the author of Juniper, a book set 1000 years into the future.  You can purchase her book at the following link on Amazon:

You can also find more information about her on her website, listed below!


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