Monday, December 24, 2018

In time for the Holidays, Book 10 and 11 in the Josef and Blair Series are now available on!  Old friends return and old secrets emerge in two books written that echo the times we are living in.  

I've never been a politically correct person and some of the viewpoints and assumptions in these latest releases echo what we are being faced with daily in America.  If you find a little of yourself in some of the characters, let me know.

Guard Your Flank - Book 10: Left, Reich and Centre, continues the saga of the Josef and Blair Series! Old enemies resurface and bring the fight to the Reich, making Josef and his brothers close ranks tighter than ever. 

The destabilization of countries and borders far from home make Josef's far-fetched plans to escape the threat of apocalypse make more sense to his family.

Old characters requested by readers once again become relevant as this book jumps past world events in a nod that no matter who is holding the reins of America, its the bit in the mouth of the turns it one way or the other. This story of love, fun, life and faith continues as the family grows from within and withou.  I really hope you enjoy the tenth and eleventh installment in the Josef and Blair Series!
Nothing Remains Hidden - Book 11:  Two Wrongs Don't Make a Reich, is the 11th installment in the Josef and Blair Series.  Book 10 became so large, I had to split the book into two parts, it simply did not make sense not to deliver them as a set.  

*Please note, these are NOT standalone books. Every part of the storyline is closely crafted to keep the story cohesive throughout. Please do not read them out of sequence, as you will be lost within several chapters. 

A special thank you to all of those who have come along with me on this ride, these books were first published in 1997. An extra special thank you to my ARC readers, you guys ROCK!

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