Monday, August 27, 2018

Alternatives to KDP Select

If you have more than one book in a Series, the Fall and Winter Season is the perfect time to make Book 1, the first book in your series available for free.  This will help readers become more interested in later books in your series.  If you have over 5 books, toss another one perhaps Book 4 in there for free also.  There will be a lot of free books available to people who get new Electronic devices over the holidays, whether its phones, tablets or computers.  Just make sure your book is one that they have a chance of reading. 

Now, if you are distributing your books on Amazon, you may be tempted to opt into the 90 Day free exclusive that KDP offers.  The problem with that, is you can't sell your book anywhere else during that 90 day period. That could cut off some of your revenue stream.

I have found it easier to look at free and paid options where I can list my book for a standalone free giveaway, then push that out to my Email list and Social Media, or as part of a group giveaway or a group giveaway that features a lot of authors bundled into one anthology.

There are several great online sources I have found that will help you with this for Free.  One is Instafreebie.  You can go to and see what they require for you to list your books.  I have had great success with them!  You will need to save your book interior as an EPub book.  There are several ways to convert your book to an EPub format, all you have to do is google 'Online Epub converter', and then use one of those services.  I can't recommend the one I used, as it may not work for you, but there are a lot of choices, you should not have any issue converting your file.

Make sure you have a jpg. file of your cover, as you will need to upload that to Instafreebie also.  Make sure you have at least $30.00, so that you can sign on to have email addresses of those who download your book.  I admit, I am cheap, when someone says 'Free', I want it FREE.  But I made a mistake in not signing up for their $29.00 promotion that would've given me email addresses of readers.  Don't be cheap, you need those email addresses.

Now, if you want to optimize your money, and get some extra marketing, check out  Now, just get them your information, and let them roll with it.  Check out their marketing videos, also.  They will send out blasts on their social media to readers, depending on what you want, their prices increase.  They also have Instafreebie and Bookfunnel giveaways, where they bundle books for different genres, you have to opt-in for your book though, so make sure you read their emails when they come over.  BooksGoSocial also lets you post on their Facebook pages (there are several, see what you are interested in) and market your book on a certain day, based on your name. is another way to get your books out to readers, they have a LOT of features that will let you deliver books to your readers in different formats, you can use them to deliver ARC's, and Beta copies to your readers.  They have an app that your readers can download and use, they have great reader support to make sure they get their books, and even have a process whereby authors can download a book and see exactly what their readers will experience.  It helps to know ahead of time what is actually going to happen before you push out a new experience to your readers.  Now, it is a paid service, so you may want to go the route I did.  I got onto a Bookfunnel giveaway through BooksGoSocial, for that same 29.00!  Get writing, its always good to have a great book you can give away for free, and lead readers to a great new series...YOUR series!

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