Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Putting yourself on the line

Does your art imitate your life?  I believe there is a little part of our lives in everything we write about.  Sometimes, your readers will have to read between the lines to see you in your writing.  Other times, we can make a concerted effort to write something that is highly charged and personal to us, as a catharsis or a memorial.

I wrote a Memoir with my one of my best friend's from High School, Yoshika called "Cold War Memories", it is a compilation and History Primer of Berlin and the interactions of Military Dependants with the city and populace from 1946 until the US left Berlin in 1994.  It is so hard to know your High School still exists, but no more American Students, no Military Brats, go there.

But the Peace Series was my own story, reaching way back into childhood memories I suppressed due to fear, shame and pain.  Writing from a point of understanding, strength, and clarity, I was able to make peace with my past over the many long years of putting this series together.  It is the only one I have put out there then yanked from publication, re-editing it with a machete, because it was too graphic with too many heated situations that did not add to the story.  It was raw with rage, anger, and retribution.  But the process was necessary because it had to come out, no matter how you write if your emotion and passion is not on the pages, it's like an empty rendering of letters and spaces.  You have to open a window or door to your soul so readers can follow that light out of the dark.

It took 5 Books, but the story is now told.  A 6th book gave me the strength to take the initiative and republish the other 4 books, then finish the 5th book to complete the story.




Don't worry about writing in a straight line when you choose to write your story.  Just sit down and start, just write!  You can go back and arrange your work later.  You may come to find that you will work in a certain a pattern after you get started, that changes based on your mood, or what you encounter as you write.  Don't get so locked in with doing things in a linear way, that you become overwhelmed.  You can flip from the middle, to the beginning, then to the end if that works for you.  You will have time to tie things together properly when you edit your work.

Childhood abuse is a topic not spoken of, still in the shadows after thousands of years.  Light needs to invade that darkness so that people can find their peace, from the point of view of the strong adult they now are, versus the scared, hurting child they used to be.  Victims need to know it is safe to heal wounds placed on them by others, many years before.

There is a section for victims help and with an explanation of who I am, at the end of each book.  I hope you will reach out for help in your adult life for childhood trauma, knowing you are not alone, and help is there for you.  There are many agencies that can help you, if you take that step to heal today.  Don't let another day pass without you taking back your life, and dismantling what was meant for evil towards you by a monster, turning it into something good.

All of the books in the series will be available on by weeks end, and I will try to post an Instafreebie Link for Book One next week!  You can find all of my books on my Amazon Author pages!

Trisha A. Lindsey Author Page

Ronin Schtihl Daire Author Page

Take your peace back, you have lost enough, it is a new year!  Walk into it with a new attitude.  God bless, be encouraged.

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