Thursday, December 7, 2017

Turn your Serial into a Novel!

I worked on a Serial named 'Match Play' back in 2015, and did not finish the last 10 chapters.  I try to go back at the end of the year and see if there is anything I have missed or skipped over that I can finish or polish.  This year, it was this short Serial.

Match Play came about from a library visit.  It taught me to be careful what you write. My daughter checked out a book from the library which we read together, and the creative juices started flowing with a 'What if?' question. Doesn't all great writing start with a question? Tucker is a Serial Killer mimics the deaths of famous people on his victims in every detail. Rory just bought his Storage Container.  Tucker wants his death catalog back. 

Rory, a College student majoring in Forensic Studies has just had the misfortune of buying Tucker's storage container at an auction. Withholding evidence from the police, he and his roommates set out to solve the puzzle left by Tucker.

What do you do when you know you're in over your head with the Monster you just discovered? Rory knows the answer to that: You find a bigger Monster! I love to overlap my series, so I borrowed a few characters from my 'Peace Series', so for you all that have not read it, James Bowie Mars is the bigger Monster. I have ONCE AGAIN removed the Peace Series for editing, so I apologize to the readers of that series. It will be re-released with Book 5 in the Spring or Summer of 2018.

Follow along with Rory, as he and his friends Will and Ben realize that whoever held the storage area that Rory bought at auction may very well know where they live and he want's his stuff back.

Rory finds out that having an uncle with a clue is much better than having an uncle who can call off the police, as his uncle James shows them how to trap someone who thinks JUST like he does...never leave a loose end breathing.

This story began as a Serial, but it needed completion. I hope you enjoy the read. The character death studies all came about after reading a book called, “How They Croaked”, by Georgia Bragg and L. J. Ganser. If you want to see how bad medicine was before the modern era, check out their book, it makes you thankful to live in a time (at least up until the recent election) where good medicine is available to most in the developed world.  Here is the Amazon link: 

Don't be afraid to take some of your smaller writings and expand on them, or put them together in an anthology.  Right now, its time to go blow the leaves, yuck, its cold outside!

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