Thursday, October 12, 2017

Moving Outside Of Yourself

Sometimes, we need to use our voice for something other than ourselves or our writing.  The wildfires out West have torn at our hearts these last few weeks.  To see daily that there is 0% containment on so many of these fires, makes me redouble my prayer, and reach out to my readers to ask them to pray also, for help for the Firefighters who must be exhausted by now and those many families returning to nothing. 

So, here are some things that you can do to help those who may be going through this terrible time.  This blog post is from Alison Hodgsen, a blogger who went through her own house fire, but it can be applied to any family or community going through a loss in the same way. I hope some of her suggestions will help you reach out to family, friends, and strangers when they experience devastating loss from natural disasters.  God bless, be encouraged.

Monday, October 9, 2017

What a dark and dreary day.

It's such a dreary morning.  The rain from Hurricane Nate has entered the area, taking away my sunshine, and turning my balmy 78 degree overnight temperatures into a muggy, wet mess.  I don't much feel like writing this morning, but even this weather can help me.

You may not always be able to write under ideal circumstances.  That does not mean you should simply not write that day.  Variety will fire up your mind to think of new, creative ways to write your stories.  Life does not happen in a straight line, without unexpected changes, challenges or deviations from your plans, and your writing should imitate life in a way.  Being uniform, forcing your writing into a small box of 'this way, this place, every time' will hamper your writing.

My bank of 4 windows up high to let the natural light in!
I would love to be able to write every day in my banquette area with the sunshine streaming through my windows, giving me a wonderful mood lift as music plays and the TV hums in the background.

I get my news from NHK World, out of Japan, or the BBC out of London, as they are more balanced with worldwide news than US news is at this time.
Yes, that is a Menorah! A gift from my best friend!

With a cup of coffee or tea and a few slices of the Cinnamon Friendship Bread that I bake and hand out to friends, I often settle down into this setting and start to write.  However, most days its snatching time as I wait in the car to pick up one child or another from their activities, or at one of their practice sites, or late at night when the house is asleep, and I can barely keep my eyes open, so I busily write a few chapters in bed.

Writing is supposed to be fun, not a rigid movement that you simply must do a certain way or its not writing.  Take the good with the bad, and turn it into something that suits you and fits your life.  It may be raining today, but it is mid-October, and the temps are holding, day and night in the low to mid-70s.  I'll embrace Nate and let him shower me with droplets of needed rain for our area, drink my tea, and write something that reflects the beauty of change this morning.  Enjoy your day, write where you are, get in that hour of doing something writing related today!  Be encouraged!

This is my daughter's art studio!  All of her paper's, inks, pens, and pencils are here, with her desk and chair area.  It's her own Artist Loft!  She has a huge roll of paper on a holder that she uses to sketch to her heart's content!