Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Foreign Amazon Author Pages

Felicia Leibenguth, a fellow Author on the BooksGoSocial Author's Group, posted information about the setup of Amazon Author Pages on Foreign Amazon Sites.  I thought it was an excellent idea and deserved mention, as it allows you to reach a new market of readers, where you can post and link all of your books together.

Anything you can do to get the word out about your writing, you need to just take the time and do it.  Don't be intimidated by the fact that they are foreign sites, and may be in different languages, you can sort through them even so, as there is a lot of continuity in how the pages are set up.  Felicia recommended keeping up the Amazon US Page as some are in foreign languages, but when I pulled up the German (de) site, it asked if I wanted to translate the site, which I quickly decided to do.  I would recommend keeping your descriptions and bio brief, as translations can become kind of sketchy when they are exact word translations, as that may not be how a particular phrase is turned in a foreign language.  Don't get 'lost in translation'.  I know that whenever I have visited foreign countries, they have always appreciated I made the effort to learn how to communicate with others in their own language.  You might also use an online Google translator to make sure our words are just right.

Here are some links for Foreign Author Pages:
To get started, visit Amazon.co.uk
Author Central (https://authorcentral.amazon.co.uk/),
Amazon.fr (https://authorcentral.amazon.fr/),
Amazon.de (https://authorcentral.amazon.de/), or
Amazon.co.jp (https://authorcentral.amazon.co.jp/).

If you have any other country pages, please make sure you post in the comments section, so that others may benefit from your knowledge.

Felicia is the author of Juniper, a book set 1000 years into the future.  You can purchase her book at the following link on Amazon:

You can also find more information about her on her website, listed below!


Is there a 'Formula' for writing well?

How do you know when you have the right formula for writing good books?  I recall reading that J.K. Rowling was turned down again, and again and again until someone finally said yes.  The rest is history.  She knew she had a story to tell, and no matter how many 'No Thank You's' she received, she kept at it until she succeeded.  It only takes one 'Yes' from the right person, to move you up to the next step.  

So, write like you've already made it.  Write as though you have to shut things down early today because you have an interview on Entertainment Tonight about your latest novel that has been made into a movie!  Why would you wait until you've 'MADE IT' to figure out how to handle the fame and acclaim headed your way?  Think big, make sure when you write your readers have as much enjoyment in the reading as you did in the crafting.  Write with a sequel in mind.  

My faith is a large part of all that I do.  I just keep writing, spinning my stories because I enjoy reading them.  I have faith that in the right season, things will change because God favors me.  What is for me, is for me.  Nothing and no one can keep me from that because I firmly in faith believe that God is for me.  When it comes to my writing, everyone else is just along for the ride!  I have been writing since I was in 8th Grade, I finished my first novel when I was 15.  I could reconstruct it from memory, every line, every character, and every plot, and it was 300 pages long with about 15 major characters!  Because it was important to me.  

Preparation is the best formula for writing well.  You should prepare yourself by taking a few classes on writing.  They are available at local Community Colleges, online at Khan Academy for free at https://www.khanacademy.org/ and there's a myriad of books you can read online that explain things from formatting to grammar, to proofreading tips.  Preparation will never hurt your effort to be a better writer.  

Let me give you a tip that has been a wonderful tool for me lately.  My son told me about it from a class that he took this summer.  It's a passive editing program called 'Grammarly'.  No matter what application I am in, Grammarly will scan as I am typing and highlight typos and grammar usage, in addition, to make suggestions to you on how to fix certain wording issues.  It will also simply go away quietly if you tell it to.  

Read across Genres, I know it's an easy trap to fall into, simply reading what you enjoy, but you can learn something from every word that you read on a daily basis.  Move out of your comfort zone.  Set up a RESEARCH Folder in your Bookmarks and when you are writing a story, research liberally online, and when you find something of interest, Bookmark it immediately.  Far too often you forget to go back and save information, then you can't find it later.  Put information for different books into their own folders within your Research Folder.  Then make sure you look it over every few weeks, many of my story plots come from a 'What if...' after reading a story, looking at pictures or from social media.  

Set up a time to date your writing.  It's like a soft date night!  Spend an hour a day doing something writing related.  Spend at least 15 minutes of that time doing some actual writing of your book each day.  Set up a timer, and stick to it.  That does not include your set up time, make sure your computer, pens, pencil, and paper are in the same spot each day and guard your hour against anything that might try to intrude.  You deserve at least an hour a day to do something you enjoy doing.  

The best way to follow a formula for writing if for you do determine to explore Creative Writing Sources.  A good formula will help gain insight as you learn how you like to write and what niche or genre fits you best.  Even so, be open to constructive criticism of your 'Baby', pretend you are Daenery's playing with her baby dragons until they were unleashed on an unsuspecting world.  Use the technology we have available that makes your writing better and never be afraid to ask for help from other authors.  We have all been through many dangers, toils and snares we would be willing to share to keep others from having to endure those same pitfalls.  Plan and research marketing, launch and sequels.  Always be working on something new before you finish a current work.

Write the way you should love, openly, honestly, gratefully and fruitfully. Your readers don't know about rules, however, they will flock to stories where your heart shines through the pages. Just write something today, be encouraged!


Monday, August 21, 2017

Be careful who you seek out for Reviews

While venturing out in search of reviews recently, I have learned quite a lot about what not to do.  I wanted to list some of the dont's, before I get to the do's which will be in the next post.

First and foremost, it would be a great idea if you find an editor to look over your book for grammar, punctuation and any plot issues that you may have overlooked when you initially finished your book. Because there are reviewers that will say, "This book was great, I could not put it down, etc."  But there are ALSO reviewers who will treat your hard work like its Loki, and they are the Incredible Hulk slamming it over and over again with relish, into Tony Starks condo floor.  Many readers appreciate a book simply for the storyline, plot, action and emotion of the book.  The vast majority of readers are kind and generous with their praise.  Interact with your readers, comment on their reviews, and get back to their emails quickly.

And then, there are the English Majors from Harvard, Oxford and Yale, who will sift through your book better than a 49er panning for gold in the Yukon and declare it complete tripe, not worthy of one star.  Just remember, all Authors receive some negative reviews, it is not the end of the world.  Good criticism will help you become a better writer, so you should take the reviewers words and learn from them.  If they are a pin head, fuck 'em.  Sometimes people just won't get your writing.  You just keep writing the great American novel.

Now that you put your best foot forward, be sure to ask for a review in your book foreward and at the end of your book in your dedication.   Ask friends who have made at least one purchase on Amazon.com to purchase your book and leave a review.  Amazon will disallow reviews from close family.  You can also gift books for a review on Amazon (you have to pay for them, so make sure you allow loaning for your book when you set up your EBook on KDP, then you can loan them if you purchase your own book.  Note, you will not be able to read the book during the loan period, so loan wisely).  An Amazon Verified Purchase holds a little more weight than a free book.

I will caution you about buying reviewers or going into forums that offer reviews in exchange for you doing a review.  I learned the hard way, you may get a reviewer that knows little or nothing about your genre, when you do the rotational reviewer route on Goodreads.  And never review a book, then let that same author review your book. Know before you ask someone to review you, do you want a heart review, or a mind review?  Do you want to know about how good your story was, or get a critique from a tenured English Professor...or worse, a wannabe professor?  Make a decision before you post to any of the different forums out there.  What you receive may not be what you expected.

Make certain that you have the option not to have the review posted without your permission ahead of time, not just to Amazon, but to any forum.  I recently was told that you should not just have glowing reviews, they should be balanced, as there are many points of views.

Getting a bad review is not the end of the world. Just keep writing, you will get better and better with every word you put to paper.

What is the best day to upload your E-Book to Amazon or Smashwords?

If you have uploaded your EBook before, and sales tapered off, you may not want to make the mistake that I did recently.  I publish exclusively on Amazon.com.  I quickly realized that I could not join any of their promotions, unless I enrolled my books into KDP Select.

KDP Select allows you to reduce the price of your book in either a Countdown Promotion, or a Free Promotion for a selected time.  You should sign up for KDP Select when you post your book intitially, I have had serious issues trying to join KDP Select with books that I did not initially enroll, and Amazon is unable to fix this issue for me.

Now, I have also learned that the best time to upload your books is actually about 4 days before you want to begin your promotion.  This allows Amazon time to review your book, first and foremost.  It allows you time to post a 'Save the Date' to all of your Social Media outlets.  I already discussed the places your should be posting, so you need time to update all of those sites.  You should post a picture of your cover, and a small amount of information about your book to start, with a reminder that links to purchase your book will be forthcoming.

Now, the hard part starts!  You need a list of all of the places you can post your book release for free.  If your book is free, the list is endless.  Prepare a Word Document with the Book's Title, your name, a small blurb about your book, a longer statement about your book, links for all of your social media sites, links for your books, a Biography and a couple of book reviews if you have them.  Most sites ask you for this information, so it is much handier to have a document available that you can easily copy and paste from, rather than typing the same information over and over.  Also, have a folder with all of your Book Covers in it, so they are in one place.  Please note, some sites require lead time of up to 6 weeks.  Do your research, and then post so you can take advantage of sites that take longer to post.

Make sure you set up a folder in your bookmarks, and add each site you post information to in it.  This won't be your last book, so why not be ready?

That being said, you need to upload your book on a Monday or Tuesday if at all possible.  You want to do your promotion advance on those days.  You want to be ready to post your links on Thursday at the latest.  By Friday, you should be up and running.  A lot of people search for books to read over the weekend on Thursday and beyond.  Also, check to see what the advance time is for sites you want to use for promotion.  If you want promotion leading into the weekend, but it takes them a week or more to start your promotion, you need to plan ahead.

Now, I would only offer a book for free, if you have another book or books in that series to follow it.  Your sales may move up with Amazon rankings temporarily, but you have to bring in new readers consistently.

Encourage your readers to leave reviews.  Amazon ranks your books based on reviews and stars.  If your book is number 1044 in your genre, you need some reviews and stars to move it up so when people search in your genre, they see your book.  You have to get off of Mount Everest!

DO NOT run a Kindle Countdown Promotion if your book is not selling.  If you then want to turn around and offer it for free, you have to wait 90 days from the end of your last promotion.

These simple steps will help you place your book in the best position to be seen by potential buyers. Be ready by Thursday, so you can grab those weekend readers!

You are NOW a Marketing Agent, OWN IT!

Well, you have uploaded your book to either Amazon or Smashwords, or you found an Agent, who convinced you to sell your rights to a publisher, that does nothing more for you than list your book on their website.  You have sold less than 300 books to family, friends, employees, strangers, and are starting to look at your dog funny...you have stage fright, the thought of talking at the public library, trotting out those same family, friends, employees, and strangers is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat!

So, what do you do now!?!?  You just write the books, damn it!  They are great, everyone tells you that...well...they won't leave reviews, and Amazon disqualified any review that REMOTELY looked like it was from family!   The reality of book writing is that writing your book is only the start of the process.  Because there are so many things that you will have to do now to get the next tier of readers out there to know that your book exists!  Right now, you need to think about where your book is in relation to all the other books in the world right now.

Your book is stuck at the top of Mount Everest...buried under 10 feet of snow, on a zip drive...encased in a block of ice...in a hidden crevasse...guarded by the Abominable Snowman.

You want your book to be number one on the New York Time's Bestseller List, with its very lucrative film rights already paid for and sitting in your new Swiss Bank Account, which already has the proceeds from the advance for books 2-5 from a major publishing house languishing, earning enough interest that you are shaking the dice at the craps table in Monte Carlo as I speak this entry into my blog!  Tell me that isn't your wish?  It seems to be the wish of every modern day author, to be a household name so well known, that your coined phrase, "Nanos" is as well known as "Hogwarts"!

Well, let me tell you up front, you can only get off Mt. Everest with either the Supernatural intervention from Almighty God, and/or you have a LOT of work ahead of you!

Let me tell you up front, there is no crystal ball, magic formula or plug and play device that will allow you to leapfrog your way off Mt. Everest back to New York City!  But there are several steps you can take to build your foundation to get your books to where you want them to be.  YOU have to prepare for being big BEFORE you become big.  You are going to have to put in some work, or have some money to pay someone to put in the work for you to get some buzz started about your books!

Lesson Number 1: If you are going to pay money to leapfrog, set a firm, non negotiable budget and limit, based on clearly spelled out results.  Only work with money that you don't mind not being able to recoup, because there will e missteps!  There are many, many outfits online that will tell you they will Tweet for you, and Post for you, and they have the ear of this Publisher, or that media outlet.  But it is up to you to sort through the claims, and see what they deliver!  Testimonials mean nothing if they don't become your testimony also!  Just remember that if you pay soeone to get you out there, you make sure they get you out there!  Stay on top of it 100 percent of the time!

Lesson Number 2:  You WILL have to establish an online presence.  There is simply no way around it!  You can read books on your computer, your phone, your E-Reader, your tablet, etc.  These are not replacements for having a good, chunky book in your hand, mind you, but technology that can do a search in 10 seconds and download a book in another 10, you can't pass up the necessity of your online presence. Think before you start of integration, and get into the habit of setting aside a minimum of an hour a day updating all of your resources.  Stick with things that work, and decide how much time you will give others to show a result, then drop it like its hot if its not working for you!

Lesson Number 3:  To establish your online presence, you need to make one title choice to make it easy for people to find you.  If it'sSURE no one else is using your name already on a website, or any other social media, do a google search, and narrow down your choices!  I made a mistake with this, and it has taken a while for me to rework Google to place my name and picture first when you type in my name now.  Also, go to EVERY single one of the "We can find anyone" sites and make them remove your information!  You want to be the one who is in control of where your information comes up, when you put in your name.  The fewer choices that come up, the better the chance that people can find your books.  Mine the web and get anything that does not point back to your books removed.  If you have to add your middle name or middle initial to your name to make it stand out, DO it!  But start now, rather than later.
your name, make

Lesson Number 4:  Get on Facebook and Twitter, under your overall name decision.  If you are already on Facebook, then you need a fan or business page.  Then lean on those same family, friends, employees and assorted strangers to like that page, at least 40 of them, so you can get some analytics.  When you get on Twitter, sign up for Unfollow, and start to mine Twitter for people who are interested in what you are writing.  Add a minimum of 30 new people per day.  And follow them back, mine their lists also!

Lesson Number 5:  You need to list yourself as an Author on Linkedin, and follow some boards for Authors, and Writers in your Genre.  Post your books there, and reach out to other authors.  You have to establish relationships, you can learn a lot from total strangers, remember, total strangers are going to be reading your books, repeat strangers become avid readers, and friends one day, maybe!

Lesson Number 6:  You need to get on Pinterest!  Set up boards about your likes and dislikes, and set up a Board that just has posts about your books and writing!  Add pictures of your interests, and talk, talk, TALK to your fans and readers!  It is an excellent way to flesh out your books and your characters.

Lesson Number 7:  Once you get enough information online, you need a Website.  There is no way around it.  So, you did a search on your name, and have added all the ways to reach you and get your books online, so now it is time to tell Google how to find you!  Google SEO is the next blog post, so I will talk to you next time!  Get busy, get your online presence started, it is well worth the time you put in on it!