Friday, April 26, 2019

I've been busy...

Launching three books at once probably isn't a good idea.  But there are times when I've got to put out books to keep a series going, that I have to buckle down and finish what has been bubbling around in my head.  It's not that the story isn't there, it's just getting it out of my head and down into the computer.  Then there is the new format under KDP.  The cover setup is just insane.  It makes is very hard to gauge where it needs to go for EBook and Paperback, because even though some of my Paperbacks are 7 x 10, the Ebooks are not, so the size between the two uploads is WAY off.

Also, their interface for covers is WAY worse than Createspace's was.  There isn't an option to upload your own cover, with both front and back just dropping in without having to delete a bunch of boxes of text.  They really need a straight, 'Upload your own completed cover' box, you can't just do it in a simple upload.

Anyway, I have put out three new books.  One is a reboot of 'The Playbook' with a new Addendum to help men navigate the waters of the #Metoo era of accountability for actions past, present and future.  If you are a man who interacts with women in ANY way regularly, you need this book.  Here are the video and cover for it, you can get the book at this link:

I also published the 7th book in the Pharaoh Memnet Series, Covenant Dread: The Goblin King.  It is, bar none, one of the most beloved books I have ever written!  I really loved the fight scenes, and had to do a lot of sword fighting research, to relay the brute strength of Goblin kind, but also the finesse of one of my main characters.  I explored the concept of self-hate, that even when it's understood why we are the way we are, how we can let others reactions change how we view even our strengths as deficits.  Here are the cover and video that goes with this series, you can purchase the book on Amazon at this link:  If you have missed out on this series, catch up, we enter Vampire realms next, with Daywalkers: Twilight the Usurper.  

The last Series that I have published, is the second book in The Consortium Series, Modern Day Samurai: Bushido.  This series is written where the end of each book occurs in the first part of the next book.  I know it can be confusing, but I wanted to try a new format.  Books have become too regimented, its time to try something new.  Don't worry, there's enough teeth in each book that you get your read's worth.  We have moved from the Continental United States, then Africa, to Japan, where Thomas calls on his brothers and sisters to run down a foe hidden in strength that he will need their help to get to.  Because in Japan, there is no expiration on revenge when dishonor has been done to your family.  This book explores the lives of comfort women, a practice that impacted the lives of women in South Korea and Japan, with repercussions into our present days for victims who have been robbed of justice for this crime.  Here are the cover and video for the book, and the link to purchase on Amazon:

I hope you enjoy the new works, don't hesitate to reach out, I love talking about the writing process!